FiLiA Diary July 25 2021
“Surrounded by people who support the fact that sex matters, the event provided an oasis of sanity in among the threatening machinations of those who care not a damn about the rights of Women and Girls. ”
As covid restrictions eased, Feminist gatherings have burst back onto the scene.
Harriet Wistrich, Karen Ingala Smith, Jayne Egerton, Lisa-Marie Taylor
TRANS Last Monday began with the launch of Helen Joyce’s book ‘Trans: when ideology meets reality’ at the Economist offices in London. Surrounded by people who support the fact that sex matters, the event provided an oasis of sanity in among the threatening machinations of those who care not a damn about the rights of Women and Girls. Truth be told, I suspect they don’t care too much about those who identify as trans either; if they did, they would surely be targeting their rage and energy towards the perpetrators (men), which would put them on the same side as Feminists, fighting against male violence. Come join us in taking down patriarchy - it’s the harder option!
NOT DEAD YET Spinifex Press (the indomitable Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein) launched their latest book Not Dead Yet: Feminism, Passion and Women’s Liberation.
“The Women’s Liberation Movement has had a profound effect on the lives of millions of women and in turn those women have changed our world. But the struggle continues. May these riveting tales by the foremothers of the movement inspire young women readers. #NotDeadYet”
Have a look at the phenomenal list of contributors and buy the book HERE !!
Jalna Hanmer
PARTY Friday night was party night. Celebrating the ground-breaking work of two prolific Feminists, there were shrieks of delight as many of us saw each other for the first time in over a year. Happy birthday to Jalna Hanmer (90 years young with some serious dance moves!) and Harriet Wistrich. Thank you for your monumental contributions to the Women’s Liberation Movement.
You’ll be able to listen to all the fabulous Women mentioned above at #FiLiA2021 - see you there!
Karen Ingala Smith, Judith Green, Lisa-Marie Taylor | Photo Kiri Tunks