Message from Julian Norman, co-founder of FiLiA
I am sad to say I will be stepping down as a Trustee for FiLiA due to other commitments. I have been involved with FiLiA from its very beginning when Lisa-Marie and I wondered in 2012 if we could re-start the Feminism in London conference. From there I have been privileged to help to steer FiLiA on its path from a conference to a women's rights charity, and this will always be one of my proudest achievements. The depth and diversity of subjects covered, the expertise and experiences shared, and the fierce feminist analysis of the conference weekend, are down to the efforts and skill of the incredible FiLiA team and our conference speakers - all of whom to this day are volunteers.
Thank you so much to my fellow trustees - Lisa-Marie, whose boundless energy, passion and enthusiasm lights the fire behind FiLiA; Sally, a beacon of calm and compassion with a matchless knowledge about domestic abuse; Kruti, who brings superlative analytical skills and quiet humour - and to the team, every one of whom brings her own talent to make FiLiA what it is.
FiLiA's work amplifying the voices of women, building sisterhood and solidarity, and defending women's human rights is of enormous importance at this time, as we see the Human Rights Act threatened just as social divisions and violence against women are thrown into sharp relief by the Covid crisis. Women’s rights are needed more than ever. Cry with the wind - for the dawn is breaking.
Sisterhood and solidarity,
“Do you mind terribly if I join you”
The words spoken by Julian as she came to sit beside me. I’d just volunteered to take on the Feminism in London conference and was terrified! I remember uttering a huge sigh of relief and that was it - we were off. Making contacts, learning about how on earth to manage events (after the first one we swore we’d never do it again!). Somehow we are still here (as FiLiA) 8 years after that first meeting. FiLiA is now a 2-day international event and this is in large part thanks to the work of Julian.
We gained charitable status solely because of Julian. She responded to various consultations on FiLiA’s behalf over the years as well as taking part in radio shows, writing articles and carrying out surveys along the way; all this in spite of her immensely busy schedule. She forged new connections and brought important and challenging sessions to FiLiA. If you brought a child to FiLiA then you have Julian to thank for coordinating the creche and children’s workshops. Thanks also to Julian’s mum and to her partner who have supported us all in many varied ways through the years, including providing sofa space and the most delicious vegan food on hundreds of occasions.
Julian is my friend and I love her dearly. When I think about her, a trillion memories tumble through my head - far too many to capture here. Many involve whisky and beer; some include wild dancing and Women only weekends. All include a sense of respect and gratitude. Julian - you have been my rock and barometer. You are someone that I admire and look up to. I have so much to be grateful to you for, as does FiLiA.
Sisterhood and Solidarity, always
Lisa-Marie xx
Lisa-Marie and Julian in 2015 - we look very different now!